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Mid-June Update from In Balance Physiotherapy.


The spring and early summer is a time when many people experience dizziness. There are many possible reasons for this including allergies, dehydration and inner ear issues.

A common cause of dizziness is BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. 

This condition occurs when there is a problem with the inner ear. We have little crystals inside our inner ears that help the brain detect head position relative to gravity. If these crystals become displaced and end up in the wrong part of the inner ear they can cause a sensation of spinning or vertigo during movement of the head. Typically rolling over in bed can be a problem.

Luckily, this condition can be easily treated by a physiotherapist who has training in Vestibular Rehabilitation. If you or a loved one is experiencing this problem let me know.

I am back in the clinic treating patients and have appointments available this week. Do not suffer needlessly when this problem can be treated quickly and safely.


Many of us are turning to home exercise programs to stay fit while gyms and other fitness places are closed. While it is very important to stay fit and health during this time I am seeing lots of people developing injuries from their at-home exercise programs. 

This is happening for a number of reasons; changing up our routines is good but sometimes our bodies are not ready for the new programs we are doing. It could be doing more than we are used to, I developed a strain in my foot from increasing my walking. While I bought good shoes, I did not have enough arch support and strained my plantar fascia. I should have known better. 

Also, doing workouts online can be challenging, no one is there to watch what you are doing to correct your form. It is easy to lift weights that are too heavy, do too many reps or just have our bodies in awkward positions. This can lead to strains and overuse injuries. 

Working from home presents its own challenges as often we are using less than ideal setups to do our work and are spending long hours in awkward positions. 

If you would like some help with these issues please contact me I am seeing patients both in-person and remotely through video chat. 

Have a safe and healthy summer.

Best regards, 


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