» Working Out At Home :

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Working Out At Home

As the winter progresses many of us are finding that we are getting less physically active. The lockdown means that gyms have closed and nasty weather makes exercising outdoors less appealing.  Many people I’ve talked to are feeling tired and unmotivated.

Exercise can help us both physically and mentally. If you feel too overwhelmed to start, break it down into small chunks and try one thing a day. It can be as simple as a 15 minute walk or climbing the stairs a few times in a row. Building up to a regular routine takes time. Consistency is the key, but on days you need a break it is fine to take one. Don’t feel guilty about it. Allow yourself the rest when you need it and set a goal to get going again the next day.

Once you have got yourself in a routine of regularly doing something physical every day then you can start getting more serious about it and start a regular program.

If you are like me, you are probably trying to work out in your living room.

While dodging dogs and kids can make it more of a challenge, the benefits include the fact that you can work out when it suits you, and you don't have to get to the gym at a certain time.

Fitness equipment is at a premium right now but using what you have around the house can still help you get fit.

Try to set time aside 3-4 times a week for you to do a program of exercises. Put on workout clothes and prepare to push yourself. 20-30 minutes of working up a good sweat will help keep your cardiovascular health in line, another 20 - 30 minutes of body weight resisted strength training and a good 10 minute stretch at the end will round out your program.

Start slow and progress carefully. I have seen a number of people coming in to the clinic with injuries from too enthusiastic home programs. Proper shoes are a must. Just because you are working out at home doesn’t mean you don’t need proper shoes. Proper workout clothes will be more comfortable and allow you to move and sweat.

I set aside this time “just for me” and my kids know to leave me alone during my workouts. It helps me to feel that I am taking care of myself and gives me a sense of accomplishment.

 I really like using online programs, both on YouTube and through subscription services

My favourite YouTube FREE fitness program is Fitness Blender https://www.youtube.com/user/FitnessBlender

Two of my favourite subscription services are:



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